Most people read a devotional for a season and quit. Or we read only a few days a week. This method of reading the Proverb corresponding to the date is ingenious because of both the enduring greatness of Proverbs and the simplicity of always knowing what chapter to read. The benefits are manifold to use an old Biblical sounding word. I like that when I miss it’s not a big deal and doesn’t effect my experience or progress. I like that anyone else reading the Proverb of the day is always reading the same one I am. And I love the black and white counsel given in Proverbs, I need wisdom as much as anyone. Check your calendar, crack your Bible and be blessed.
#1 Have You Received God’s Gift?
In just three days, Jesus did all of God’s Christmas shopping for all eternity. So again, have you received God’s gift of salvation? That is a great question, why would you even need salvation? Let’s take the fastest trip...